Thursday, February 2, 2012


living a vulnerable life is hard. but i'm trying to be more vulnerable. it's a place of strength, to embrace your imperfection and feel as though you are worthy of connection, that you are courageous. because one of my core beliefs is that i'm unlovable. my father taught me this through his inability to say anything positive about me. both of my parents came from a place of low self-esteem, so it's a generational stronghold. hard to break. one positive thing about believing myself unlovable is that i am deeply empathetic about other's pain. and i know i'm not alone. but i need to learn that i am worthy of love. i'll be praying about this. this is my year of transformation! i can do it!

i've started working through beth hemmila's 'lemonade mantras'. good stuff. i recommend it! here's to a brighter future that is tender yet strong. vulnerability is a beautiful thing.


  1. You can do it, you have already got over the first hurdle of recognition.

  2. Thank you so much for connecting with Lemonade Mantras! I hope you find things in it that bring you peace and happiness. It's good to know we're on the same path together :) xoxo Beth


i heart you back!