Tuesday, December 25, 2012

merry christmas!

merry, merry christmas, my beloved friends!

i am up earlier than everyone, sitting at the table, reading my bible study, and poking about on the interwebs. ;) i hope you all are having a marvelous holiday celebration!!!

i just have to say that this has been a roller-coaster of a year. my lovelies, i couldn't have done it without you!!! each and every one of you, whether you commented or not, have meant so much to me. the friends i have, the friends i'm getting to know, and the friends i have to meet; God bless you! you mean the world to me. <3 p="p">

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the most abundant Christmas blessings, Beth! I love Christmas because we are all born anew with the Holy Child, no matter the terrible losses, mistakes or false starts of the year. We are a people of promise!


i heart you back!